Mobile Print Service

Introducing Princh, our new mobile printing solution!

We have implemented Princh, a new printing solution, at our library. It works very much like the previous system.  With our new solution you can still securely print from a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, both remotely and at the library by sending documents attached to emails or by selecting files on your computer or device.

Printing by Email

To use this option, simply attach any documents you want to print to an email and send it to the appropriate address below for the paper and duplex options you want:

Letter – Duplex Portait:
Letter – Duplex Landscape:

Your email and each attachment will be submitted as separate print jobs.  You will receive a message when your print job has successfully been submitted.   You can choose to print the email itself and/or any of the attachments you like.  The email itself will appear at the print release station with the prefix, Email_ followed by the message subject.  Attachments will be listed with the document title.

Printing Files From Your Computer or Device

You can print documents saved to your computer or device by using the Princh web connector.  Here’s how:

  • Navigate to our Princh site by clicking this link:   Mobile Print Service
  • Or by scanning this QR Code with your device.

  • Once you have arrived at the Princh site,  click the blue bar to upload your document(s) to be printed.
  • Adjust settings using the gear icon, this is where you can select duplex printing options if available.
  • When you are ready to print, accept the Terms and Conditions and click the green Continue bar.
  • Enter your email address and click OK.
  • You will see your document sending progress and when it is ready to go print.

Releasing Your Print Job

After you have sent your print job using either method, you will receive an email letting you know the job is waiting in the queue for you to release it to print.   When you  are ready to print, go to the Library and use your email address the Print Release Computer to release your print job.

Your print job will stay in the queue for 7 days after being submitted.  Unprinted jobs are automatically purged after one week.

Printing Hours

Mon—Fri  10am – 5:55pm
Saturday  10am – 4:55pm
Sunday     12pm – 2:55pm

Printing Option

B+W Letter $.10/page
B+W Legal $.10/page
B+W Duplex Letter $.20/page

To print on both sides of the paper, choose the appropriate printer:

Duplex—Short Side = Landscape
Duplex—Long Side = Portrait

Printing charges under $5 are payable by cash or check (only).  Deposit your payment into the box at the Library’s Information Desk.